It’s important to practice a consistent and thorough oral hygiene routine every morning. You probably wake up and grab coffee, tea, or juice. Once you’re ready for the day, you might eat breakfast and then brush your teeth.

At Well-Rooted Dentistry, we believe in educating our patients so that they can enjoy the best possible oral health. Do you need to shake up your morning oral hygiene routine? What you do and when, and what you shouldn’t do, make a big difference in the long-term health of your teeth and mouth.

Hopefully, you’ve had a morning and evening oral hygiene routine since you were a child. But some there are myths surrounding what the general public deems “good” oral homecare. 

Brushing Your Teeth

Many people were taught in early childhood to brush their teeth in the morning, after breakfast and before school. However, this schedule can actually damage your teeth.

When you eat or drink, plaque in your mouth emits acids that temporarily soften tooth enamel.

Brushing your teeth when the enamel is soft increases the risk of enamel erosion. Your enamel is strongest when you wake up, so that is the optimal time to brush your teeth. 

This may not appeal to OJ drinkers, but we suggest saving the juice for later in the morning. After you eat, enamel rehardens inside about an hour.

And don’t forget to brush before bed, as well. Wait about an hour after dinner, then brush and have sweet dreams.

Flossing Your Teeth

According to the ADA and our team, you need to floss daily, and you may remember to floss sometimes. (Most Americans do not floss.) People who floss usually do so at night, after they have brushed their teeth.

If you add flossing to your morning oral hygiene routine, you are more likely to remember to do it! Consistently! You should floss before you brush your teeth for the best results. Flossing removes and loosens plaque and food particles, so brushing afterward can sweep away any residue. 

Brushing Time and Method

The ideal brushing time is two minutes. Your mouth has four quadrants: upper right, lower right, upper left, and lower left. Spend 30 seconds brushing each quadrant.

Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and brush the front and back of your teeth, and the tops of molars, in each quadrant. For training purposes, you can set a timer for 30 seconds per quadrant to help you brush thoroughly. (This is a great tip for teaching kids to brush!)

Brush Gently

For many things in life, the harder you work at it, the better the results. This is not true when it comes to brushing your teeth.

If you brush gently, you will minimize the risk of damaging your teeth. When you brush hard, you can wear down the enamel on your teeth and tear your gums. Also, use a soft-bristled brush, rather than medium or hard (unless your dentist advises differently).

Select the Right Toothpaste

Are you sure you’re using the right toothpaste? Many toothpastes now include whiteners. These chemicals could damage your gums with long-term use. Only use whitening toothpaste if you need it, and with your dentist’s approval.

You should choose a toothpaste that addresses your specific oral hygiene needs. The team at Well Rooted Dentistry can recommend the best kind of toothpaste to maximize your morning and evening oral hygiene routine.

Well Rooted Dentistry Provides Complete Oral Health Care

Keep your gums and teeth healthy, because poor oral health can lead to physical illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. Holistic, biological dentistry is behind the philosophy of the dental care we offer at Well Rooted Dentistry.

Biological dentists recognize the importance of good oral health and its relationship to the rest of the body. Our doctors and team will address the underlying causes of your dental problems, instead of just treating the symptoms. Schedule your visit by contacting us today at (401) 443-4007.



Author Identiwrite

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